In loving memory of Teresa Jimenez Soto born October 25, 1949 a loving wife, mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, godmother, church member. cousin, friend and most important person in her family's life. She was larger than life, always filled the room with laughter and joy ready to dance her cumbias at any moment and spoil all of us her family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and church with the most delicious meals. She will be missed dearly by everyone that loved her.
Con much amor en memorial de Teresa Soto nacida Octobre 25 de 1949, amorosa madre, esposa,
membra de Iglesias, Tia, prima, madrina, amiga, y companero de trabajo. La ms importante en la Vida de su Familia. Llena de Vida y allegria su energia levanter el animos a todo que la rodean. Lista para el bailer cumbias en cualquier momento.
La vamos estraxanar mucho.